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- Motorcycle Litigation Group Meeting
Apex Applied Science and Engineering
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- Products Liability Section Meeting and Reception
Assured Partners
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- Business Torts Section and Securites and Financial Fraud Litigation Group Meeting
Broughton Partners
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C Cubed Capital Partners
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- New Lawyers Division (NLD) Party
- Women Trial Lawyers Caucus (WTLC) Brunch - Speaking
- Women Trial Lawyers Caucus (WTLC) Welcome Reception & Business Meeting - Speaking
Comprehensive Settlement Solutions
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- Women Trial Lawyers Caucus (WTLC) Brunch - Speaking
Dundon Advisers LLC
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- Tort Bankruptcy Litigation Group Meeting
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- Environmental and Toxic Torts Section Meeting - AAJ Winter Convention 2025
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- Motor Vehicle Section and Bus Litigation Group Meeting
Huntington National Bank
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- Class Action Sections Meeting and Lunch
Knott Laboratory, LLC
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- Civil Rights Section & Police Misconduct Litigation Group Sponsorship
- Inadequate Security Litigation Group Meeting
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- LitPro - Ozempic Litigation Group
MASSIVE: Medical and Subrogation Specialists
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- Sexual Assault Litigation Group Sponsor - AAJ Winter Convention 2025
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Physician Life Care Planning (PLCP)
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- New Lawyers Division (NLD) Welcome Reception
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Litigation Group - Meeting & Lunch
Pinnacle Financial Partners
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- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Litigation Meeting and Lunch
Premier Legal Marketing
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- Specialized Track CLE - Sunday
- Specialized Track CLE - Monday
Ringler Associates, Corporate
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Robson Forensic, Inc.
- Premises Liability Section Meeting and Lunch
Rubris, Inc.
- Rideshare Litigation Group Meeting
Shield Legal
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- Specialized Track CLE - Saturday
Simpluris, Inc.
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- Class Action Section Meeting and Lunch
- Mass Arbitration Litigation Group Meeting
The Lien Lawyers
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- Nursing Homes Litigation Group Meeting and Lunch
The Milestone Foundation
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- Daily Wellness Activity: Sunrise Yoga
The Morgan Connection
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- New Lawyers Division (NLD) Welcome Reception
Thompson Flanagan
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- Council of Presidents Sponsorship
- Council of Presidents Sponsorship
USA Express Legal & Investigative Services
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- Fedora Wall At Registration
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- Class Action Sections Meeting and Lunch
Wisner Baum LLP
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- Aviation Law Section Meeting and Reception